Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting to Know Nicole Sherman

Nicole is a Computer Consultant and Network Specialist for and has been on the PositiveVision team since 2004. Prior to joining the company she was an Operations Manager responsible for Purchasing, Order Processing, Inventory, Internet EDI, and managing local and remote access networking. Nicole has over twelve years of experience working with business software systems and is considered an expert in her field.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a vocal instructor and singer.

How does doing what you do now, compare to what you wanted to be? In many ways being a consultant is similar. I help people learn how to improve; sometimes it’s their workflow or their processes. I provide our customers with knowledge and help them grow, much like a teacher does with a student.

How have you grown professionally over the past year? I was certified on Peachtree Quantum 2010, and successfully deployed Microsoft Steadystate on a network to manage one of our clients’ internet and program access through group policies in Active Directory.

What lessons did you learn in 2009? Last year I learned to look deeper into challenges and recognize that a path that once appeared the best route, may not remain so as we begin to take it. I continue to keep my eyes open and look for new options that may become available even once a plan has been set.

What are you most looking forward to in 2010?
Professionally I look forward to seeing the economy improve. I also always look forward to learning new software and programming. Personally I look forward to my eldest son graduating into high school, and my youngest getting out of diapers! And I’m looking forward to being tapped out for Order of the Arrow at Boy Scout summer camp!

What is your favorite thing in life and why? I’d have to say my family and friends; they are what make everything else in life enjoyable.


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